Our travels have taught us that food is culture and culture is food. That makes not only for yummy excursions…
Giant tortoises. Huge colonies of squawking Blue-Footed Boobies. Beaches filled with sun-basking iguanas. These are probably what you’ve seen in…
When our daughter and son-in-law moved to South Africa, one of the first places their co-workers turned them on to…
Our day-time birding safari (http://heathers6wadventures.com/the-most-magnificent-wonderful-fantastic-fabulous-amazing-best-birding-day-ever and http://heathers6wadventures.com/the-big-five-of-south-africa-and-so-much-more) had been so incredible. We’d seen so many animals along with the amazing…
In South Africa, the goal of every safari is the “Big Five,” lions, leopards, cape buffalo, elephants, and rhinos. On…
We woke up at 4 a.m.—too excited to sleep until our 4:15 alarm—poured some coffee down our throats, piled into…
Dear Cousin Lada, We received your name from our mutual cousin from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Margie Ann Nedjl. We tried…
In “Rocky Mountain High,” John Denver sings about a man coming home to a place he’d never been before. We…
Somewhere in the back of our minds, Bob and I had the idea that traveling by train across Europe would…
The most striking thing about Lisbon, Portugal, is how good it smells. Around every corner, the aromas of freshly baked…